Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

22 March 2017

Kita Bisa! Disability Workshop – Melbourne March 2017

Participants at the Kita Bisa Disability Workshop held in Melbourne in March 2017 listen to workshop facilitator Robyn Gaile

Disability can present significant challenges.  In many countries, it can be a source of shame and social exclusion.  It can reduce an individual’s access to good education and severely limit their career opportunities. 

Sixteen Indonesian postgraduate students and their carers from around Australia gathered at the Kita Bisa! Disability Workshop in Melbourne on 13th and 14th March 2017.  The workshop was specifically designed for Indonesian Australia Awards scholars with a disability.  With presentations and discussions on topics such as disability inclusion and disability rights in Australia and Indonesia, the workshop aimed to develop the students’ skills as future leaders and advocates of social justice and equity.

The workshop’s aim was to build the participants’ skills in advocacy, media and government relations, campaign development and delivery from workshop facilitator Robyn Gaile, an inspiring disability advocate with over 20 years’ experience delivering education, employment and training services for people with a disability.  External presenters included Maryanne Diamond from the National Disability Insurance Agency, Samantha Schubert and Philip Waters from CBM Australia, representatives from the Disability Section and the Australia Awards Section of DFAT, and Antoni Tsaputra, a former Australia Awards scholar at Griffith University, now a PhD student at UNSW, who is a wheelchair user and a strong disability advocate.

The Kita Bisa! Disability Workshop was delivered as part of AAI On Award Enrichment.  Further information is available at the Australia Awards website.


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