Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

05 December 2023

Apply Now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Governance and Public Policy Making for Subnational Governments (Eastern Indonesia)

Australia Awards in Indonesia, in collaboration with SKALA, the Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program for Basic Service Delivery Acceleration, is currently accepting nominations for the Governance and Public Policy Making for Subnational Governments (Eastern Indonesia) Short Course. This short course is designed for civil servants from targeted ministries and provincial governments to enhance their skills and have a lasting impact on public policy relevant to the delivery of Minimum Services Standards (MSS) at the subnational government (provincial level). 

This short course aims to strengthen the capacity of subnational governments in public policy, digitisation, and government administration in Eastern Indonesia. 

Mark your calendars for an enriching 2-week experience in Australia in June 2024. This exclusive opportunity is targeted at civil servants (Pegawai Negeri Sipil/PNS), Staff at Echelon III, and Functional position levels with a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience. The nominated candidates preferably have policy analyst and/or planning qualifications. 

Women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. 

The nominated candidates must submit the online application by 7 January 2024. Application links will be provided only to candidates nominated by the ministries and provincial governments who are invited to submit nominations. 

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