Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

02 Oct 2024

Advancing Indonesia's Green Transition: Insights from the Australia Awards Climate Finance Post-Course Workshop

It was wonderful to have representatives from Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) attend a recent post-course workshop held as part of the Australia Awards Short Course. The workshop, which took place in Bandung from 11–13 August 2024, provided a platform for participants to present their projects and pitch innovative ideas on climate finance to support Indonesia’s transition to a green economy. As part of the program, participants also visited the Cirata Solar Power Plant (PLTS Cirata), gaining valuable insights into renewable energy initiatives in Indonesia.

These participants had previously completed the Australia Awards Short Course on Climate Finance in Brisbane, Canberra, and Sydney in June, delivered by Griffith University. The course explored the importance of climate finance, comparing the latest policies and initiatives to attract and mobilise funds from various innovative sources to meet Indonesia's climate and development targets. It also sought to strengthen the partnership between Indonesia and Australia by sharing case studies on achieving net zero emissions, as outlined in the Australia-Indonesia Joint Statement on Cooperation on the Green Economy and Energy Transition.

Congratulations to the participants for successfully completing the course and joining the esteemed ranks of Australia Awards alumni! We wish them all the best as they continue their important work and future endeavours.

Participants attentively listen to a presentation on innovative ideas for climate finance to support Indonesia's transition to a green economy.
Participants attentively listen to a presentation on innovative ideas for climate finance to support Indonesia's transition to a green economy.
The room’s ambience when the facilitator shares his insight.
The room’s ambience when the facilitator shares his insight.
Participants conduct a site visit to the Cirata Solar Power Plant (PLTS Cirata).
Participants conduct a site visit to the Cirata Solar Power Plant (PLTS Cirata).
Participants pose together in front of the Cirata Solar Power Plant.
Participants pose together in front of the Cirata Solar Power Plant.
All participants, committee, course leaders, and facilitators happily take a group picture together.
All participants, committee, course leaders, and facilitators happily take a group picture together.

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